Who We Are
Our goal at Faith Baptist Church is that we might learn to walk in the Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis each day, made possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you know Him as your Savior? Are you experiencing His strength in your life each day? We pray that God might allow us to help you answer "yes" to these questions.
Our History
In May 1981, after graduating from Tennessee Temple University, Pastor Boyle and his family moved to Spokane, WA, with a vision to start a church. Growing up in the Northwest, he recognized the region’s need for Bible-teaching churches. His salvation while serving in the U.S. Army also burdened him with reaching military personnel, and establishing a church in Spokane allowed him to minister to those at Fairchild Air Force Base.
Faith Baptist church met in a rented building for the first nine months until one of the members noticed a 100-year-old church building that wasn’t being used. Thirty people met on a Wednesday night and voted to buy that building. $10,000.00 was raised by faith to buy that building, and the church met there for the next 17 years. In April 1999, Faith Baptist Church merged with Gospel Light Baptist Church, which was under the direction of Pastor Rick Donley. Together, the two churches were able to buy a large church facility where we continue to meet today.
Faith Baptist Church, which began with 11 people in the home of Pastor and Mrs. Boyle, has grown over the years, with a high day of over 500. The church's ministries cater to a wide range of needs, starting with the baby nursery and extending to the Senior Saints for those in their golden years. Over the past 43 years, many people have been saved, baptized, and sent out to preach the Gospel. God has blessed the ministry in an extraordinary way, and all the glory belongs to Him.